Assignment Sample: What Is Wrong with Disney Princess Stereotypes?
Disney world is full of movies with princess stereotypes. When asked to write an essay on why Disney princesses are bad, you are required to explore the role and give a critical view of the depiction. You may take sides with the idea or support the stereotype. In either of the cases, you must justify your position.
Writing an essay on Disney princess stereotypes requires you to adhere to academic writing rules as well as focus on the specific subject. Here is a guide on how to produce the best essay and a sample of the paper you are expected to produce.
Review the instructions provided
The prompt is your starting point. It determines the books you will review, the topic to choose, the data to collect, and the subject to discuss. It will also affect the structure of your essay. You must understand the instructions before writing any word or researching the paper.
Instructions may provide a topic. In other assignments, they provide a general subject from where you craft the topic. In this case, you are supposed to write on Disney princess bad influence on children. Writing about any other subject will result in poor grades. Since the instructions are used when grading your paper, you must strictly follow them to stand a chance to earn good grades.
Study movies about princesses
To understand the Disney princesses bad role models idea, you need to have a few movies in mind. The movies may be animations or films involving actual people. These movies provide a case study or citation materials when supporting your idea.
You will need to describe the movie when writing. Do not assume that everyone has watched the movie, even though it might be a popular one. You can only describe it accurately if you have watched it.
Check what other scholars are saying about princesses stereotypes
Other scholars have written on Disney princess bad role models. It is time to check the books, articles, documentaries, and other quality academic materials on the subject. Visit the library for quality discussions on the subject.
Reading the works of other scholars on the subject enriches your discussion. You will find scholars supporting the argument on why is Disney bad influence while others have an alternative view. Through such opposing positions, you can develop a balanced conclusion.
Choose a unique angle
What is your position on the influence of the princess image portrayed in movies and cartoons? Make the position known in your thesis statement. Since you are not the first to study the subject, you must identify a unique angle that makes reading your paper worthwhile.
Craft an interesting topic
Craft a title for your paper. The title should arouse the curiosity of every reader. It should entice readers to go deeper into the paper and see what it represents. Choose a unique topic. Since Disney princesses as role models have been studied for a while, you must find a fresh perspective. You may also choose a specific movie to write on as a case study.
Draft your paper
Settle down and write your paper. Allocate enough time to write to enable you to produce insightful discussions. Choose a quiet place where you can focus on writing the paper. Such a setting reduces the time taken to complete your essay.
Here is a sample essay on the effect of Disney princesses on body image:
Disney Princess image: dilution of the flawless body
Children grow looking up to characters in their environment. In the current world, the television and internet present Disney princesses as the epitome of beauty and perfection. Every girl wants to grow into a princess.
The reality is, however, different. Such a flawless body is only a natural preserve of a few. The rest of the womenfolk has to modify their bodies in an attempt to achieve this perfect body.
Parents are in a dilemma. They are forced to train children to admire the princess. However, the idea is unattainable.
Not every parent can afford a castle. The world also never stops to meet the needs of young women who identify themselves as princesses. When the woman has to go to work or is unemployed, the idea becomes a source of frustration.
It is time parents, guardians, and society accepted the idea of a princess as portrayed by Disney as an illusion. Children must be taught about reality. It is the only way to avoid frustration and bring up kids with realistic expectations of the world.